In the News: We love to see you in the news!
So honored to be voted "Best Real Estate Company" by The Arkansas Democrat Gazette!
Congratulations to our agents voted Arkansas Life's 2020 Top Real Estate Agents!
So honored to be voted "Most Admired Residential Real Estate Company by Arkansas Money and Politics magazine! Thank you!
Congratulations to our agents voted in Little Rock Soiree magazines 2020 Best Real Estate Agents!
From Janet and our agents and staff - thank you for 40 extraordinary years!
Our Timeline - 40 years of Legendary Service!
Happy Birthday to The Janet Jones Company!!
Congratulations to the Top Five Producers of 2019!
Casey Jones, Debbie Teague, Susan Reynolds, Conley Golden and Katherine Melhorn!
We are so proud of our own Jennifer McCarty!
For her outstanding leadership in the Little Rock community and for being one of 2019's Soiree Magazine's Women to Watch!
Congratulations to our very own Susan Reynolds for her outstanding three years of service on the Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce Board! We love supporting our City that is home to all of our wonderful customers!
We were so thankful to be able to attend the 154th Annual Meeting of the Little Rock Chamber of Commerce Dec. 4, 2019
Congratulations to Casey Jones, Top Residential Agent in the State of Arkansas - 2018
2018 Top Five Producers
Left to right - Susan Reynolds, Debbie Teague, Casey Jones, Katherine Melhorn, Conley Golden - Congratulations!
2017 Top Five Producers
Left to right - Rebecca Smith, Debbie Teague, Casey Jones, Susan Reynolds, Katherine Melhorn - Congratulations!
Soiree Magazine - Best Residential Real Estate Agents
Seated - left to right - Laurel Lawrence, Patrick Sullenger
Standing - Bob Bushmiaer, Shawn Clark, Debbie Teague, Casey Jones, Susan Reynolds, Conley Golden, Debbie Teague
At Home in Arkansas Local Favorite Real Estate Agents
Bottom row, left to right - Shannon Treece, Katherine Melhorn, Rebecca Smith, Tanya Brainerd, Jennifer McCarty, Donna Dailey
Top row, left to right - Conley Golden, Owen Gazette, Scott Johnson, Casey Jones, Patrick Sullenger, Susan Reynolds, Debbie
2016 Top Producers
Left to right - Rebecca Smith, Conley Golden, Casey Jones, Debbie Teague and Susan Reynolds
Soiree Magazines Top Real Estate Agents
Bottom row, left to right, Patrick Sullenger, Katherine Melhorn, Debbie Teague, Bob Bushmiaer
Top row, left to right, Kelly Johnson, Conley Golden, Casey Jones, Donna Dailey, Susan Reynolds
Top Residential Agent in the State of Arkansas is from The Janet Jones Company - 2016
Congratulations to our own Casey Jones!
Soiree Magazines Women to Watch
Congratulations to our own Donna Dailey - one of 2016's Women to Watch!
2015 Top Producers
Congratulations - left to right - Katherine Melhorn, Patrick Sullenger, Casey Jones, Debbie Teague and Susan Reynolds!
Chili Fights in the Heights
Chili Fights in the Heights was held October 17 - our team competed fiercely in this fundraiser to benefit the Arkansas Food Bank
Partners in Education with Jefferson Elementary School
Our Company is so proud to be a partner in education with Jefferson Elementary Public School. Every holiday season their choir treats us to a lively concert in our office
Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Every year we ring the Salvation Army bells at local Kroger stores - check our Facebook and Pinterest pages to see when we will be ringing this year!
Be the Match for Greg Kitterman
Our company was honored to organize a Be The Match Bone Marrow Donor Campaign for the husband of one of our agents - Greg Kitterman!
Chenal Valley Halloween Parade
Several of our agents organize a Halloween Parade and picnic held in Chenal Valley